Tuesday, April 04, 2006

long long day

spent the whole day outside... went to skool, had lunch with friends, went for a walk along the magnificent Kanda river where sakura petals painted the river pink, turned in my next application for financial assistance, & finally went to see my ol'man for new advice for my next project.

all in all, it was a busy day. yet for some reason, there is sth amiss amongst the long list... for i wasnt satisfied by this achievement. every moment i d remind myself that all is still at stake, no room for that *common ground* as its a winner take all game.

yet i fear this intense way of living might not be enough to carry me to my goals. to realize them require much more... much more than i now possess. if only God can hear this loud cry....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to u too!!!!!!

ps:i have written the letter=.=wish me luck!