Sunday, April 24, 2005

will the real residents of Shinsei plz stand up :]

the Shinesei trio.... & they're kind of shy people :p


Anonymous said...

Hello Nick...

remember me? Your crazy yet friendly cousin from australia Marky mark? Hmm...nice bloggy thingy^_^


Mag said...

busy * 100000 eh?? awww pooor boy.

guess what? finals ended today. almost euphoric here. haha. anyway, gambate yeah...i'm behind you all the way. good luck in delivering a smashing thesis. bloowwww them away with your research work.

really nice pictures! mrs leong saw it just now, she liked the big party under the cherries frozen tree. it was beautiful. i was intrigued by the little girl though. i always love candid shots of people, esp children. we seem to get the most innocent and purest form of expression through their eyes, don't we? :)

anyway, check out my blog to find out the latest happening. will blog about cheryl's (she's now mrs leong too! arh, scary!) wedding soon... tons of pictures.

keep it up bro. you'll make it.

tick tock tick tock
you rock!

=Mei Qi=

Anonymous said...

hey mark,
thanx for dropping by. hows life there?? & hows everyone doing??

i ll check out ur blog for updates. thanx for everything.

ah thung